
APOTROPIA: Altered Ego (2) | Sculptor

997,00  Prices include VAT.

Single-channel digital video, 2020

Length: 03 Minutes 33 Seconds

No. copies total 5 + 2 AP

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Sculptor is a digital video artwork from the Altered Ego Series by APOTROPIA, a series of art videos that explore the de-materialization of human identity in the digital world.

The work depicts the attempt to build an identity of the self. The process leads to the creation of deconstructed masks, erased from time to time to allow the emergence of a face that cannot appear. After their disappearance, the remainders of the previous construction float as irregular traces. The image of us that is created in the digital world is fragmented and built on partial data: a malfunctioning and decaying mask made of pixels and ciphers.

Collect this video artwork by APOTROPIA. The Alter Ego Suite consists of the following parts: (1) The Surfacing, (2) Sculptor, (3) Aura, (4) Homogeneous, (5) Faceless.

Here you can see a trailer:

Altered Ego: Sculptor [Excerpt] from APOTROPIA on Vimeo.

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