
Retrospective Poem of Pearls in Kassel with Birthe Blauth


On May 3, a retrospective of the installations in the Elisabethkirche in Kassel during the last five documentas will open. A retrospective of the work “Poem of Pearls” by Birthe Blauth marks the beginning:„BERÜHRT³KircheKunstKultur – Retrospektive berührender Kunstmomente in der Elisabethkirche“ will commemorate moments in the installations by Birthe Blauth, Anne Gathmann, Stephan Balkenhol, Katarina Veldhues, Gottfried Schumacher and Thomas Virnich.

From May to October, the Bildungsforum Sankt Michael will be showing moments from the exhibitions that have touched people.

The exhibition can be seen until October 31 at the Bildungsforum Sankt Michael (Kolpinghaus Kassel, Die Freiheit 2, Kassel).

See the works of Birthe Blauth in the UNPAINTED artstore
