

STATION ROSE webcasts 2020

After a few days of nervousness around Covid-19, we realized that we had experienced this situation of excluding the outside world as early as the 90s, when we did many self-experiments with self-exclusion & isolation of RL while staying online @home. Once we realized the quality of the time we are now in around the world, we chose STReam. Stay with us in these new circumstances!

Elisa Rose & Gary Danner, May 2020


Background: A STATION ROSE live@home format began in 1999 in the exhibition “CrossLinks” in Berlin, co-curated by Gabriele Horn, director of the KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin. Over time, around 200 live webcasts from the STR studio in Frankfurt were broadcast. As part of Vienna Art Week, STR webcasts from the studio in Vienna were broadcast for the first time in 2017 & 2018.

The live webcasts of STATION ROSE have a style that was popularized by YouTube etc. years later; through the fusion of audiovisual performance, moderation, documentation, interviews on a contemporary audiovisual format. Simultaneous work in front of and behind the cameras, encoders and computers was required.

Read this text we wrote for “KUNSTFORUM 151” in 2000:

“Cyberspace in real-time 20sec webcasting – the precious short moments of real time. STR started the Webcasting project during the exhibition <crossLinks>, which took place in Berlin in January 1999. After this webcast activity week, the Frankfurt studio became the location of the “real-time happenings”. Webcasting from Frankfurt to cyberspace is regularly the update version of the public STATION ROSE in Vienna 88-91.”

NOW: Since 03.2020, we have been playing the live@home program again – from our studio in Vienna.

The STReams fulfilled a global shutdown. It started with a balcony concert on March 15. Here are uncut live recordings of the previous STReams:

No 204 on 23 April 2020

No 205 on May 7, 2020

No 206 on 28 May 2020

This STR format is currently being redesigned and developed rhizomatically for live@home under quarantine conditions. What STATION ROSE began in self-experiments in the mid-1990s and called “DIGITAL COCOONING” could now, 25 years later, be translated as social distancing and life in the “remote society” (Peter Weibel).

Read information about the Digital Cocooning (1995-96) of STATION ROSE here:



Elisa Rose: Picture & Moderation

Gary Danner: Music

Next date: Real Scenes & Studio live audiovisual performance meet in STReam No. 207:  Thursday, June 11, 2020, 7:00-7:30 p.m.

Click here: www.stationrose.com

Supported by UNPAINTED.
