
APOTROPIA: Altered Ego (4) | Homogeneous

1.002,00  Prices include VAT.

Single-channel digital video, 2020

Length: 06 Minutes 11 Seconds

No. copies total 5 + 2 AP

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Homogeneous is a digital art video from the Altered Ego Series by APOTROPIA: a series of art videos that explore the de-materialization of human identity in the digital world.

A corps de ballet composed of perfectly homologated figures dances in impeccable synchrony. Like an army of the Show, they wear an identical costume and the same mask on the face.

Collect this video artwork by APOTROPIA. The Alter Ego Suite consists of the following parts: (1) The Surfacing, (2) Sculptor, (3) Aura, (4) Homogeneous, (5) Faceless.

Here you can see a trailer:

Altered Ego: Homogeneous [Excerpt] from APOTROPIA on Vimeo.

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