
APOTROPIA: Altered Ego (1) | The Surfacing

1.003,00  Prices include VAT.

Single-channel digital video, 2020

Length: 07 min 03 sec

No. copies total 5 + 3 AP

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The Surfacing is a digital art video from the Altered Ego Series by APOTROPIA, a series of video artworks that explores the de-materialization of human identity in the digital world.

A mask emerges from an aseptic fluid and is reflected in its digital double. Inside, a faceless body wears a mask that struggles to maintain its own configuration, throwing the whole person into an environment whose data disorderly take chaotic pixelated forms, maintaining a memory of the passage of the body and reconfiguring itself as it passes. Like splashes of color, some traces remain impressed on the digital canvas that acts as a background and stage.

Collect this video artwork by APOTROPIA. The Alter Ego Suite consists of the following parts: (1) The Surfacing, (2) Sculptor, (3) Aura, (4) Homogeneous, (5) Faceless.

Here you can see a trailer:

Altered Ego: The Surfacing [Excerpts] from APOTROPIA on Vimeo.

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